Over a period of 75 years, Israel went from having a water deficit to having a water surplus. At present, Israel actually exports water to neighboring countries. A combination of 1- 90% Water Savings – In the 1960’s, Israel invented drip irrigation, replacing traditional flood irrigation for watering crops.
This irrigation method not only saves 90% of water for growing crops, it also increased crop yields anywhere from 10% to 90% (depending on the crop, 2- 75% Desalinated Water – Over a period of years, Israel worked on the desalination of seawater. In so doing, Israel became a leader in desalination, and proved that the process can be economically viable.
Israel presently desalinates 75% of its drinking water from the Mediterranean Sea, 3- 25% Recycled Water – Israel recycles its waste water to the extent that 25% of its water supply comes from recycled sources (for comparison, the US reuses less than 10% of its waste water), 4- 16% Household Reduction – In 2009, Israel stopped subsidizing domestic water consumption and started charging the actual price for water. The result was that households cut water use by 16%.