In 2020, U.S. agricultural exports supported the equivalent of more than 1.13 million jobs on and off the #farm. With U.S. agricultural exports valued at more than $150 billion in 2020, every $1 billion of exports is estimated to create 7,550 jobs. #FarmActivities generated by U.S. exports—mainly #crop and #livestockproduction—supported a total of 439,500 jobs. These jobs included labor provided by #FarmOperators and their #FamilyMembers, #HiredFarmworkers, and #ContractWorkers. #OffTheFarm, exports supported 423,900 total jobs in the #services, #trade, and #transportation#Industries. #FoodProcessingActivities created 162,100 jobs, while other #ManufacturingActivities, such as #packaging, #canning, and #bottling, gave rise to 107,000 jobs.
Source: USDA ERS, Agricultural Trade Multiplier