APExS is a Agtools team specialized in commodities phenological research. Its main objective is to establish links between the various development phases of the different commodities and the climatic requirements for them to complete their production cycle. Through innovative projects, APExS provides a deeper understanding of the importance of all food supply chain and phenology. Its primary interest is to disseminate globally the relationship between climate change and the phenological phases starting with commodities, understanding phenology as a fundamental element to improve production systems.
We represent ourselves as a group of highly advanced and creative specialists made up of experts in Agronomy, Agribusiness, Mathematic, Nutrition and Sustainability. We can examine information from various trusted and authoritative sources and use it to develop models and algorithms that facilitate interpreting and analyzing the different commodities -related data.
Mission: Offer the most flexible and groundbreaking software architecture with the most in-depth scientific research to impact Supply Chain.
Vision: Empowering people with reliable and verified scientific data to ignite powerful actions for a sustainable world.
Case Studies by APExS:
The Avocado from Mexico; Volumes and Best Buying Times.
Grapes, Weather, and Sonora 2024.
Grapes, Weather and Sonora Mexico.
Analysis and Perspective on the Upcoming Strawberry Harvest in Mexico.
Influence of Growing Degree Days (GDD) for Cantaloupes Cultivation in the Yuma Region, Arizona.
Feasibility Analysis of the Main Avocado Producing Regions in the Americas.
Production Challenges in Iceberg Lettuce Cultivation in Central California, United States.
Peru's Extreme Climate Conditions Could Mean a Challenge in Mango Production.
Deep Analysis: The Tomato Industry and Its Possible Threats.
U.S. Apple Exports Hurt by Climate Events and Tariffs.
Analysis of Potato Imports and Production in Mexico: Crop Phenology and its Impact on Processing Characteristics.
Florida Potato: Analysis of Competitiveness, Sustainability
 and Phenology.